hypothetical 1. based on or serving as a hypothesis. supposed but not necessarily real or true.
∧ ∧ (,,゚д゚) <
theoretical concerned with or involving theory rather than its practical application.
∧ ∧ (,,゚д゚) < 実際問題としてよりも理論的に、かな
∧ ∧ (,,゚д゚) < ニュアンスまでは、毛唐100人に訊いてみないと
292 :;; ゚д゚ミさん:2025/02/09 21:59:58 ID:OLqzC74D
∧ ∧ (,,゚д゚) < ショーターオクスフォード(重いデカい、上下2巻
hypothetical 1 involving, based on, or pertaining to a hypothsis; 2 concerning which a hypothesis is made; supposed or assumed but not necessarily real or true.
theoretical that is such according to theory; existing only in theory, ideal, hypothetical
> 関連する質問 > What is an 8x8 truck? > Eight-wheel drive, often notated as 8WD or 8×8, is a drivetrain configuration > that allows all eight wheels of an eight-wheeled vehicle to be drive wheels simultaneously.
>>550 > Giovanni Nanni, also Giovanni de' Ricamatori, better known as Giovanni da Udine (Italian, 1487 ? 1561): > Detail of border surrounding Raphael’s Cupid and Psyche (Villa Farnesina, Rome)